Cuando pasado un lapso de tiempo
prudencial el Amo abre la mordaza de vicpuppy,
no sabemos si es para permitirle hablar, para darle de beber un escupitajo... o para besarlo.
Si tú, Amo o esclavo, quieres compartir con el resto de los amigos de "Perros" tus fotografías,
escríbenos a la dirección de correos del Señor Germán:
Con gusto las publicaremos en esta sección de "Nuestros lectores"
ResponderBorrarI am the one gagging the boy in the photos. I have some of these photos on my bondage blog - It does seem those photos are quite popular, certainly for good reason. I had a great time at Dore 2011.
One of our readers sent us these pictures, we find very good and that's why we publish. For us until that time it was impossible to know the author of these.Now we visited your page "Sir SD Michael" take this opportunity to congratulate you on the same
BorrarIf we can we would like to recommend it to fans of Perros.
Kind regards.