Oakland Pride 2016 x BIRON
Photos by BIRON multicultural male images @ www.photos-biron.com/
BIRON is represented in Paris at the Au Bonheur du Jour Gallery @ www.aubonheurdujour.net/Biron.
The Photos by BIRON Collection is archived at the Kinsey Institute.
Photos by BIRON:1993-2016 Gallery: www.
• Recent photo books all free online:
Transfixed by Art @ www.photos-biron.com/books/index0.html
Castro Go-Go Boys @ www.photos-biron.com/gogoboys/index0.html
Hardcore Male Multiculturalism @ www.photos-biron.com/hardcore/index0.html
MALES @ www.photos-biron.com/MALESbook/pages/00.html
Itay Atias @ www.photos-biron.com/itaybook/pages/00cover.html
• Other websites:
Bboys/SK8B @ http://www.sfcityscapes.com/
FB @ www.facebook.com/photosbybiron
MM @ www.modelmayhem.com/643084
Exhibitions: www.photos-biron.com/words/Transfixed by Art @ www.photos-biron.com/books/
Castro Go-Go Boys @ www.photos-biron.com/
Hardcore Male Multiculturalism @ www.photos-biron.com/hardcore/
MALES @ www.photos-biron.com/
Itay Atias @ www.photos-biron.com/itaybook/
• Other websites:
Bboys/SK8B @ http://www.sfcityscapes.com/
FB @ www.facebook.com/photosbybiron
MM @ www.modelmayhem.com/643084
Publications: www.photos-
La pandilla de Frenchdog cerró y abrió el año a pura orgía
Desinhibidos y calentones como de costumbre los chicos y sus mascotas participaron de la intimidad de un rodeo.
Y para Navidad y Año Nuevo se lo pasaron bomba!
Obras de Frenchdog
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